The ministry of COTB is sustained by God, through the generous and faithful gifts of our congregation and supporters. We invite you to prayerfully consider joining us in this act of worship.
Ways To Give
Give Online
It’s simple and secure to give online donations to COTB. Your online giving account allows you to make one-time and scheduled donations, as well as view your giving history.
Give NowText
Simply text “GIVE (and the dollar amount)” to (855-619-6249) and the donation will be connected to your existing COTB online giving account. If you do not already have an existing account, your first text message will direct you to set one up.
Text To GiveCash / Check
We are not able to accept cash or checks at our beach services. If you prefer to give by cash or check, you can mail or take it to the church office and drop in the secure mail slot any day/any time. Church On The Beach office: 167 Palos Verdes Blvd. Redondo Beach, CA 90277
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